What You Will Get From This Session

  • Gain clarity on what fearless living means for you personally

  • Increase your ability to live authentically and in alignment with your values

  • Enhance your ability to take risks and embrace new opportunities

  • Share and learn in a community that supports your growth and evolution

Begin Your Dwelling Challenge Today!

The journey of living your dreams starts with the courage to declare them and the commitment to pursue them, even in the face of uncertainty. Imagine waking up each day with a clear sense of purpose and taking bold steps toward your goals, unburdened by fears that once held you back. This transformation is possible, and it starts with understanding how to navigate fear, set empowering goals, and take consistent action toward the life you desire. knowing that you have the. 

Whether you're looking to advance in your career, improve your relationships, or simply live with more joy and fulfillment, this is your opportunity to step into a life of boldness and authenticity. Don’t let fear continue to dictate your path. Take the first step toward fearless living today.


“Dwelling’s sessions allow individuals a safe space to examine different aspects of their life and create meaningful actions to continuously improve themeselves."

~ Yvonne Sia


Personal Development: Fearless Living

Are you tired of letting fear dictate your choices and limit your potential? Do you wonder what life could look like if you lived boldly, without constraints? Have you ever wondered how different you would be as a person if fear wasn't in the driver's seat? 

Fear is a powerful force. It often keeps us stuck in patterns that do not serve us, robbing us of the joy and freedom we deserve. Many of us grapple with fears that silently shape our decisions – whether it's fear of failure, fear of the unknown, or even fear of success – preventing us from pursuing our dreams, taking risks, or embracing new opportunities. We may find ourselves retreating into our comfort zones, missing out on the life we truly want to live.

What if you could reclaim your courage and live a life that is authentically yours? 

The journey of living your dreams starts with the courage to declare them and the commitment to pursue them, even in the face of uncertainty. Imagine waking up each day with a clear sense of purpose and taking bold steps toward your goals, unburdened by fears that once held you back. This transformation is possible, and it starts with understanding how to navigate fear, set empowering goals, and take consistent action toward the life you desire.

Join us on this journey of fearless living, and discover the power and freedom that come from living without limits. Through this workshop, you’ll gain practical strategies to identify and overcome the fears that have been holding you back, and learn how to overcome them with a mindset grounded in courage and resilience. You’ll walk away not only with a renewed sense of purpose but also with the tools to face any challenge with confidence.

Whether you're looking to advance in your career, improve your relationships, or simply live with more joy and fulfillment, this is your opportunity to step into a life of boldness and authenticity. Don’t let fear continue to dictate your path. Take the first step toward fearless living today.

What you will gain through this 2-hour online workshop:

  • Identify and articulate your deepest dreams and aspirations

  • Uncover and confront the fears that have been holding you back

  • Leave with a renewed sense of purpose and direction for your life

  • Create a personalized action plan to turn your dreams into reality

This session is part of The Dwelling Challenge: Personal Development series. Join us for the upcoming sessions as well to stack up your accomplishments and create amazing results for yourself!


What is The Dwelling Challenge?

The Dwelling Challenge is a series of events focusing on 6 important domains of a person’s life, and is specifically created to help people manifest what they truly want in their lives. Master all the challenges, live a powerful life, and be a contribution to the planet we live in.

Our events are thoughtfully designed to invoke self-inquiry that will help you get insights into the workings on your life. Based on principles that life coaches Julia Ng and Sim Wei Ping have used in their coaching journey over the years, the sessions are easily accessible and practical. These are exercises that work, as proven by years of experience of working with people.


What you get in each 2-hour Dwelling Challenge Workshop


For each topic, we combine research and experience to distill knowledge and disciplines into wisdom and insightful lessons. Sit back, learn, and make notes for yourself.


Take time for self-reflection, and share insights and realizations with others in the session to expand your perspectives and deepen learning.


Explore how your life would change by having a breakthrough in the topic, and how it can enhance and benefit your life in ways you haven’t thought of.



Through a step by step coaching process, engage in thought-provoking questions and exercises that allow you to discover more about yourself and find answers to the issues you face.


Envision your ideal, optimized life by connecting to meaningful events, opportunities, and communities which you can resonate and engage with.


Generate ways you can set up mental, emotional, physical, financial, and spiritual support around you to achieve an optimized life.



Take on a challenge that is meaningful and beneficial to you. Choose from our list of ideas, or design one of your own.


Create an action plan for all the challenges you’ve taken on and keep yourself accountable by monitoring the actions you take to manifest your goals.


After each topic, receive two follow-up emails over the next two weeks that deliver additional content beyond what you have already learnt to support you in your challenges.


“Content packed with with some self work activities and guided discussions. It was nicely paced and activities inter-weaving. Very engaging."

~ Tan Xiu Li


The Dwelling Challenge Coaches

Julia Ng | Director & Founder of Dwelling Initiatives Pte Ltd | Professional Certified Coach

Julia was a highly sought-after branding and design consultant for 13 years, working with companies to develop their corporate brands, before embarking on her coaching career in 2003 when she added life coaching into her repertoire as an important component for a person’s and organization’s full brand expression. Today, Julia takes an integrated approach, combining her gifts and talents in coaching and design to help people develop their professional and personal brand holistically, from the inside out.

As a life and business coach, Julia works with entrepreneurs and corporate executives to create businesses that are a source of growth, profitability and fulfillment. She also helps people evolve through the transformational coaching programs she leads which equips them with the rigor to seize greater opportunities ahead. Her clients experience sustainable transformation and a distinct advantage in their performance and results – including developing emotional mastery leading to rewarding relationships, creating fulfilling career paths and businesses leading to monetary rewards and promotions, greater work-life efficiency, and improved health and vitality.

Sim Wei Ping | Director of Dwelling Initiatives Pte Ltd | Master Certified Coach

Prior to coaching, Wei Ping spent seven years in the banking industry. Her effectiveness and efficiency led her to be consistently ranked among the top ten percentile of performers. Known for her problem-solving and solution structuring abilities, Wei Ping is also a certified PRINCE2 Practitioner (one of the two internationally recognized project manager designations) and has finished all three levels of the Chartered Financial Analyst exams.

In 2011, Wei Ping left the corporate rat race to pursue a more authentic and meaningful life. Through coaching, she found her passion – to help people discover what is really important to them and change their lives for the better.

As a coach, she is known for coming from the heart yet being grounded in reality. Through her coaching, her clients have been able to find out what resonates with them and create practical solutions that they are able to implement in their lives. Her clients’ achievements include starting businesses, doing charitable movements, building personal confidence, and improving relationships.









Your Investment for an Optimized Life

All workshops are conducted online on Zoom. View the schedule for all 2024 workshops.

One Workshop

Original Price $95


Access to 1 Workshop


Bring a guest who has never attended Dwelling before for free to attend the workshop with you*

2 Follow-up emails

Invitation to free Dwelling community events

Three Workshops

15% Discount


Access to 3 Workshops


Bring a guest who has never attended Dwelling before for free to attend the workshop with you*

6 Follow-up emails

Invitation to free Dwelling community events

No longer available for 2024

Six Workshops

30% Discount


Access to 6 Workshops


Bring a guest who has never attended Dwelling before for free to attend the workshop with you*

12 Follow-up emails

Invitation to free Dwelling community events

No longer available for 2024

1-1 Coaching

Original Price $2930


Access to all 2024 Workshops


Bring a guest who has never attended Dwelling before for free to attend the workshop with you*

All Follow-up emails

Invitation to free Dwelling community events

3 x 1-1 Coaching sessions by Julia Ng or Sim Wei Ping

*1-for-1 offer: Terms and conditions apply



Online Session Format and Instructions

Event Date and Time Venue
Fearless Living 15 Oct 2024 (7.30pm-9.30pm) Online session
  1. The online session will be conducted via Zoom.

  2. You will need the following items for the online session:

    • A laptop or mobile device with Zoom installed to access the session. Please download the desktop app or mobile app prior to the session. Register for a free Zoom account. You do not need a paid account to participate in the session.

    • A headpiece with microphone and earpiece to take part in the group discussions

    • A pen and blank sheets of paper or a notebook to take notes during the session

    • A cup/bottle of water or beverage

    • A stable WiFi connection

  3. A meeting link will be sent to you via WhatsApp the day before the session.

  4. We request that participants do not eat or travel during the session but to find a quiet place to participate without distractions.

  5. Dress appropriately as you need to be visible to others during the session.

  6. Please be online at 7.15pm to settle down and to familiarise yourself with the online system if necessary.

  7. If you have questions, feel free to WhatsApp us at 86938159



Frequently Asked Questions

  • Of course you can! The sessions and workshops are standalone events and you can attend any session without having attended a previous one.

  • Founded in 2012, Dwelling Initiatives Pte Ltd is a social enterprise that develops initiatives for self- and social transformation.

    Dwelling is a space for exploring the fundamental aspects of life through our Wisdom Sessions, Speaker Nights, Firesides, and Workshops. We seek to deepen our self-awareness and enrich our life-experiences by looking beyond conventional wisdom to reach new understanding, and create paths for growth and real change.

  • You can get in touch with us through email or WhatsApp us at 86938159.

  • Please read the terms and conditions for our events.


Join our workshops proven to change your perspectives and inspire you to take action.