Life Coaching that optimizes your life









It's frustrating not living life to the fullest...

When you are not thriving, you feel that you are not living to your full potential. You are not where you want to be in life and you feel that life is stagnant and mundane. Yet you find yourself stuck in a cycle of busyness with no time, no energy, and no space to grow.

The truth is, it is easy to fall into the conventional wisdom that this is all life has to offer.

Can we ease your mind a little?

We understand how living such a life affects your well-being and relationships. You are not alone. We've been through it. And hundreds of people have come to us since 2012 with the same problems and walked away feeling empowered and inspired about their life.

You just need the right tools to help you live an optimized life.

As internationally certified life coaches with more than 30 years of coaching experience between us, we have designed a series of practical workshops that provides you with the support you need to thrive. We do this in a safe space where you find a community to journey with you and manifest a fulfilling life.


Experience life changing moments from The Dwelling Challenge Workshops

Our participants experience profound breakthroughs through The Dwelling Challenge Workshops. Nana improved her eating habits and adopted a healthier lifestyle. Benjamin understood what emotions drove his experiences. Zeenat saved substantially more money. Harche made a major life decision. Melanie experienced the cycle of abundance in her life. Aaron became more empathetic towards people. These are just some of the breakthroughs that The Dwelling Challenge participants have experienced from our Workshops.



Live an Optimized Life in 6 Domains


Health & Vitality

Feel healthy, fit and energized


Engage in rewarding work


Experience abundance and wealth



Have rich and meaningful connections

Personal Development

Manifest your potential


Make a difference in the world


“Dwelling offers much sharing of wisdom and experiences from all walks of life, in multiple domains. This is my go to place for a safe space to explore issues close to my heart, since its inception. My deepest appreciation for the good work by Julia and Wei Ping.”

~ Eliza Han, "How to Thrive in Your Relationships" Workshop


Get started in 3 easy steps

Register for the Dwelling Challenge workshops

Select your package, fill in the registration form and make payment. Get the 15 minute life optimization health check and identify areas to work on to achieve your ideal life.

Attend the Dwelling Challenge workshop

Design the Challenge you will take on. Get tools to help you gain clarity and create a plan in a life domain within 2 hours with a supportive community.

Do your Challenge

Take action on your chosen Challenge. Attend the next Dwelling Challenge workshop to stack up your achievements and subscribe to our mailing list to stay inspired.


“I wasn’t expecting to get much out of a 2-hour workshop initially, but going through this allowed me to gain even more clarity that I’ve been trying to work on for a long time and even brought up issues that I haven’t been consciously thinking about which has impacted me in more ways than I expected. Now, with this clarity and understanding, I’m better able to move forward to my goals with more intention and at the same time managing what are the self limiting beliefs that are holding me back!”

~ Clara Chua, "Your Career: Working with Purpose" Workshop


Your Investment for an Optimized Life

One Workshop

Original Price $95


Access to 1 Workshop


Bring a guest who has never attended Dwelling before for free to attend the workshop with you*

2 Follow-up emails

Invitation to free Dwelling community events

Three Workshops

15% Discount


Access to 3 Workshops


Bring a guest who has never attended Dwelling before for free to attend the workshop with you*

6 Follow-up emails

Invitation to free Dwelling community events

No longer available for 2024

Six Workshops

30% Discount


Access to 6 Workshops


Bring a guest who has never attended Dwelling before for free to attend the workshop with you*

12 Follow-up emails

Invitation to free Dwelling community events

No longer available for 2024

1-1 Coaching

Original Price $2930


Access to all 2024 Workshops


Bring a guest who has never attended Dwelling before for free to attend the workshop with you*

All Follow-up emails

Invitation to free Dwelling community events

3 x 1-1 Coaching sessions by Julia Ng or Sim Wei Ping

*1-for-1 offer: Terms and conditions apply



Have you been telling yourself…

  • Is this something you often tell yourself? If you don’t take time, how can you have time? The problem is never a lack of time but rather how you choose to use time as a resource. Spending your time working on how to enhance critical aspects of your life can save you hours each day dealing with inefficiencies resulting from poor choices. Imagine how much time you save if your health, career, finances, relationships, your environment, and you become optimized. All you need is to invest 2 hours each Dwelling Challenge workshop in getting the knowledge and inspiration to take small actions resulting in big changes. Are you and your life worth the time?

  • Coaching is a process of self-discovery through questions that help you reflect and explore what resonates as true for you. If you encounter ideas that disrupt your normal way of thinking, all the better. It means you get to challenge notions that could be keeping you stagnant in life, and create sustainable paradigms for you to live consciously. As each person is unique and different, what works for you might not work for someone else. Yet, when coaching is done in a group, you’ll be able to tap into a creative space and harness the collective wisdom from others’ experiences to arrive at deeper truths and fresh perspectives. This way, you learn things beyond what you can generate on your own.

  • As coaches, we understand that some truths that we hold as individuals are difficult to articulate and share. That’s why our workshops are all conducted within a safe space set up for meaningful engagement based on truth, respect and real values. We set up this safe space at the beginning of every Dwelling Challenge workshop and maintain strict policies and procedures in safeguarding our community. Nearly everyone who has attended our workshops has said that they felt safe to share with a community that supports their growth and evolution. Through sharing stories, experiences and having a listening ear, our participants have gained clarity and feel they contributed to others.

  • For the price of your life? Most people end up spending their money on things they don’t really need, or on things that don’t necessarily advance or upgrade them – like an expensive car or club membership, or a holiday to get away from the stress of their lives. We’re not saying that holidays are not important – we love them too! But what if you live a life that you don’t need to escape from? How much would living an ideal, optimized life be worth, where your health, career, finances, relationships, and environment fulfill you? Come to think of it, you are the most critical chess piece you should be investing in!

  • Like, why do people buy books they never read? Everyone has well-meaning intentions, but realizing them is a whole different story. We know, because we’ve signed up for things we never fully utilized either, like the gym. It’s so easy to get distracted by things that derail us from our intentions, isn’t it? We found that it’s much easier optimizing our lives with like-minded people walking a conscious journey to ensure we stay on our path. We also believe that together, we can make a bigger difference in the world. Get support from our community, or sign up for 1-1 coaching sessions with us. We’re here to help!


“Went into the workshop not knowing what to expect. During the workshop, we were guided by very experienced coaches into a process of inner discovery. Emerged out from the workshop with new perspectives, excitement and data points I can use for the rest of my life!"

~ Liew Jiayin, "Discover Your Personal Legend" Workshop


We totally understand what it's like to grow without proper guidance.

In fact, we used to struggle ourselves before we encountered life coaching. Since we founded Dwelling in 2012, we have worked with hundreds of people just like you to optimize their life. The way to go isn't difficult. One 2-hour life coaching workshop at a time. You can do this.  



Join our workshops proven to change your perspectives and inspire you to take action.